We offer Sunday School classes for every age group.


ADULTS: The Adult Class is led by Ron Martin. Ron has taught the Adult Class for over 24 years and also serves as a Deacon for our church.


YOUNG ADULTS: The Young Adult Class is taught by Eric Farley. Eric is the Associate Pastor at Lyndon and he and his wife Emily also lead our Youth Group.


RU CLASS: This class is a companion to our Friday night addition ministry. Our teacher for this class is one of our young preachers Kevin Yurt.


DISCIPLESHIP CLASS: This class is offered to the new Christian to help them be firmly planted in the faith. Our teacher for this class is Wesley Coffman.



TEEN GIRLS: Tamara Collett teaches our Teen Girl Class. 


EARLY ELEMENTARY: Sydney Yurt teaches the Early Elementary Class. 


NURSERY: Reagan Cheatham is our Nursery Teacher.


SUPERINTENDENT: The Sunday School is led by our Superintendent Don Murphy.


Our Sunday School workers receive training to assure the needs of the students and teachers are met. Our Sunday School uses half of the offering collected during the Sunday School hour to pay for the literature that is used and the other half is used to buy bicycles for missionaries in Africa.