We offer Sunday School classes for every age group.
ADULTS: The Adult Class is led by Ron Martin. Ron has taught the Adult Class for over 24 years and also serves as a Deacon for our church.
YOUNG ADULTS: The Young Adult Class is taught by Eric Farley. Eric is the Associate Pastor at Lyndon and he and his wife Emily also lead our Youth Group.
RU CLASS: This class is a companion to our Friday night addition ministry. Our teacher for this class is one of our young preachers Kevin Yurt.
DISCIPLESHIP CLASS: This class is offered to the new Christian to help them be firmly planted in the faith. Our teacher for this class is Wesley Coffman.
TEEN GIRLS: Tamara Collett teaches our Teen Girl Class.
EARLY ELEMENTARY: Sydney Yurt teaches the Early Elementary Class.
NURSERY: Reagan Cheatham is our Nursery Teacher.
SUPERINTENDENT: The Sunday School is led by our Superintendent Don Murphy.